Are you fed up with behaviors, and ready to learn a productive way to respond - not only to help you feel less frustrated, but also to REDUCE BEHAVIORS?

Adoptive parents - if you have been trying to build connections with your children and are instead building frustration, resent, and overwhelm - you've come to the right place!
Does this describe you?
you listen to podcasts, read books, follow the expert's guidance - you've tried everything to help you child... but behaviors keep getting worse, your connection with them keeps growing weaker, and your frustration and resent keep growing stronger?

You are not alone! I've been there. I often had people ask, "how can you stay so calm when behaviors are out of control?" or "You are so lucky to have the ability to keep your cool when he acts that way!"

It wasn't luck - it took hard work and dedication to implement this EXACT strategy! I can help you too!

With this free guide, you'll have in hand my #1 Strategy to reduce behaviors and reclaim peace in your home. The strategy: Respond vs React!

Here you'll find a worksheet to help you start intentionally responding with your children - the perfect first step towards PEACE at home!

Once you have my Respond vs React handout, you'll want to get the corresponding video! Just let me know you're interested and I'll send details!

Over the next few days I'll be sending you specific activities you can put into action in your home right away!

    I respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at anytime.

    About Me

    I am an adoptive and bio mom, former foster mom, adoption coach, speech therapist, and have worked in the autism field for 2+ decades.

    Who I help

    I coach adoptive parents through worry, frustration and resentment to create hope and joy through lasting connections.

    My Personal Journey

    I know that raising children who are difficult to connect with, and who often display challenging behaviors, takes a huge toll on parents. This can often lead to shame, anxiety, depression, isolation, and a growing loss of hope. Through coaching, I've learned that our most important relationships require US to go first - to show up with creating connections as our driving goal!